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Who else can take Emergency First Response courses?

Ask any of your customers (divers or non-divers) if they would know what to do if one of their friends or family had a medical emergency, and have the confidence to feel prepared. None of us like to think that we couldn’t help. Emergency First Response (EFR) courses are a great way to get the non-diving friends and family of your existing customers involved in your dive centre, and act as an ice-breaker for introducing them to your dive crew and buddies. Three Ideas for Broadening your Audience… Parents are keen to understand how they can be prepared to help their kids in times of need – why not offer the Care for Children course just for them?   In many countries, CPR and First Aid training is being introduced earlier into school curriculums. Try approaching your local school to offer training to your divers’ children, other children and even teachers! The Emergency First Response system has all the tools to keep kids engaged in the training – just check to make sure your schedule is suitable for the age [...]

Who else can take Emergency First Response courses?2018-04-26T19:36:47+03:00

Featured Course: Emergency First Response Care for Children

The Emergency First Response Care for Children course is an innovative CPR, AED and First Aid training course that teaches participants how to provide emergency care for injured or ill children (ages one to eight) and infants less than one year old. Participants learn about the types of medical emergencies that children face, and how they differ from adult conditions. The curriculum also includes the importance of attending to basic emergency situations with children, the emotional aspects of caring for children, secondary care for children, and preventing common injuries and illnesses in children. Emergency First Response Care for Children course trains the lay rescuer to follow the same priorities of care used by medical professionals. The student masters the priorities and the procedures of patient care for infants and children in a non-stressful learning environment, which reduces the performance anxieties that interfere with learning and enhances confidence when rendering aid in a real medical emergency. The course includes both primary care (CPR) and secondary care (first aid) skills. The primary care portion of the course prepares the rescuer to render [...]

Featured Course: Emergency First Response Care for Children2018-03-15T01:07:13+03:00

Be prepared with Emergency First Response

Know how to respond to emergencies – just in case.  Statistics show you’re more likely to give first aid to someone you know than a stranger. When minutes count, you’ll be the person to give the necessary aid to a family member, dive buddy or co-workers, before Emergency Medical Services (EMS) arrive. The Emergency First Response (EFR) Primary and Secondary Care course is an accredited CPR and First Aid program that helps divers advance their knowledge, providing the skills they need to potentially save a life. The course builds the confidence and skills needed to provide basic emergency care. You won’t just watch a video, you’ll get hands on practice with a CPR mannequin, simulate bandaging, role play an emergency scenario and other skills. You’ll get to practice each skill until you feel comfortable. While the material taught in this course is serious, it’s taught in a positive, upbeat environment. Here’s what you’ll learn:  BLS (Basic Life Support) CPR and rescue breathing at the layperson level AED (automated external defibrillator) use (optional) Preventing and caring for shock Spinal injury management Use of [...]

Be prepared with Emergency First Response2018-03-15T00:51:02+03:00

How to Choose a CPR Certification Class

Written by Megan Denny During cardiac arrest, the odds of survival decrease by 7-10% every minute, and the average response time for emergency personnel is 8-12 minutes. When CPR can be started right away, the patient’s chance for survival can double or even triple.* In a study reported by the National Institute of Health, survival rates for cardiac arrest were extremely low when bystander CPR was not administered. Seventy percent of non-hospital cardiac arrests occur in the home. Are you prepared to save the life of someone you love? Most people know they need to have CPR training, but aren’t sure how to choose a CPR certification class. To help you get prepared, we’ve answered some common questions below. What level of CPR training do you need? Most people only need a standard CPR certification, also known as “layperson CPR.” – If you have young children, or look after them as part of your job, choose a course that includes CPR training for infants and children. – If you have ready access to Automated External Defibrillator (AED), you’ll want to be trained [...]

How to Choose a CPR Certification Class2018-03-15T00:46:06+03:00

Responder in Action: Reefers and Wreckers

The Value of First Aid training for anyone spending time at sea by Michael Turner, Reefers and Wreckers Dive Center After two days aboard a liveaboard while taking in the beautiful dive sites of the Red Sea, we were approaching the world famous dive site of the SS Thistlegorm. Little did we know of the events that were about to unfold… Upon arrival we could see one of the boats already moored over the Thistlegorm was in difficulty, with smoke billowing from her engine room while the crews from her and the surrounding vessels were frantically trying to put the fire out. At one point I counted ten Zodiacs buzzing between the different liveaboards, one of which ran over and injured a crew member who was in the water. He sustained cuts to his leg but made a full recovery. The guests from the affected vessel had already been evacuated to another nearby liveaboard. Their dive equipment, which included thousands of pounds worth of camera gear, was moved onto our liveaboard and stacked on the dive platform; this was [...]

Responder in Action: Reefers and Wreckers2018-03-14T22:25:22+03:00

8 Reasons for Taking an EFR Refresher Course

How long ago was your Emergency First Response course? Could it be time for a refresh? Here are 9 reasons to keep your skills up to date with an EFR Refresher course: It’s all in the name – to refresh your skills. As with other skills that we learn in life, if we’re not using them on a regular basis we go “rusty”. It’s perfectly normal to forget some details, or the order of sequences when you’re not in the habit of practicing them frequently. The scene of an accident isn’t really the place you want to be when you realise you can’t quite remember what you learned in your training. Confidence – when you finished your EFR training you probably felt quite confident in your abilities. As time passed, chances are your confidence has faded a bit. If that’s the case it’s time for a refresh. Being confident in your abilities both as a caregiver and as someone who can take control will make you more valuable in an emergency. With confidence comes the ability to stop, breathe, think clearly and act accordingly. [...]

8 Reasons for Taking an EFR Refresher Course2018-03-14T14:58:51+03:00

Emergency Kits and Disaster Preparedness – What Every Household Needs

Written by Megan Denny  In the event of an emergency or disaster, does your household have enough food, water and basic supplies to last 72 hours or more? Whether you’re building your first emergency kit or already have a disaster preparedness kit, review the list below to ensure your stock of emergency supplies includes all the essential items. Every household should be prepared with the following emergency supplies: A family first aid kit (see recommended first aid kit contents) Water: one gallon per person, per day (3-day minimum, 2-weeks if space is available) Food: non-perishable and easy to prepare (3-day minimum, 2-weeks if space is available) Headlamp and flashlights (one per member of the family) Extra batteries Battery-powered or hand-crank radio Medications (7-day supply) and medical items Multi-purpose tool Manual can opener Personal hygiene items (hand sanitizer, toilet paper, feminine products) Cell phone charger Written contact information for family/friends Cash in small bills Two-way radios Copies of personal documents (birth certificates, driver’s license, deed to home or lease, insurance policies, prescriptions) Include the items below based on your family’s needs, local [...]

Emergency Kits and Disaster Preparedness – What Every Household Needs2018-03-14T15:06:22+03:00

Disaster Preparedness – Advice from a First Responder

An emergency can occur anytime, anywhere. In the event of a disaster: – Are you and your family prepared to be self-sufficient for three to five days? – Do you have a rendezvous point other than your home? – How will you communicate without a phone or mobile device? We asked first responders the best way to prepare for an earthquake, fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, or other disaster. Their recommendations are presented below as a series of key questions. As you answer each question, you’ll be one step closer to a disaster preparedness plan. #1 Where Will You Go? The family home is an obvious meeting point, but what happens if roads are blocked, bridges are out, or if an evacuation is in effect? A good emergency plan include a secondary rendezvous point. This could be the home of a friend or family member in another part of town, or a predetermined shelter location. #2 How Will You Reconnect? In a disaster, you may not be able to use a landline or your cell phone. Establish a communication plan if [...]

Disaster Preparedness – Advice from a First Responder2018-03-14T15:13:36+03:00

5 Reasons Why Basic First Aid Knowledge is Essential

There are numerous reasons why people don’t take First Aid training programs; They are too busy They don’t know where to go They think that they already have enough knowledge, or They think that accidents happen to other people not to them or their friends, family and colleagues. Ask any individual who has taken a first aid training program if it was worth it and their answer will be “Yes!” Having some basic first aid knowledge is essential and here are 5 reasons why. It does more than help save lives. It’s true that having first aid training undoubtedly helps save lives. That’s not all though; giving appropriate first aid immediately can help to reduce a person’s recovery time and make the difference between the patient having a temporary or long term disability. You’ll learn how to remain calm in emergency situations and you’ll learn simple acronyms to help you recall the steps you need to take. First aid training will make you confident and comfortable and therefore more effective and in control when you need to be. It enables [...]

5 Reasons Why Basic First Aid Knowledge is Essential2018-03-14T13:05:06+03:00

10 Reasons Parents Should Become EFR Certified

No matter how much preparation you do – classes you take, books you read, searched on google – nothing truly prepares you for becoming a parent. The responsibility and worry of getting it wrong can blind-side you from day one. Simple things like a grazed knee, which you’d ordinarily clean up and stick a band aid on, can become medical nightmares when they happen to your child. Which cream to use? Keep it covered or leave it open? The questions keep coming. Grazed knees included, here are 10 reasons why every parent should become Emergency First Response (EFR) certified. 1. Confidence to Care – The best first aid care is care given calmly and confidently. You’ll find this becomes easy once you’ve taken the EFR program. You’ll learn step-by-step methodology for assessing situations and acting accordingly without stressing or panicking. 2. Handle Emergencies – Would you know what to do in an emergency situation? The EFR course will prepare you for how to deal with both minor and life threatening medical emergencies. 3. Prepare for Accidents – In the United [...]

10 Reasons Parents Should Become EFR Certified2018-03-14T13:06:01+03:00
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